
When I talk with adults about braces for themselves, there are a few common concerns...

“I’m too old!”

 It’s never too late! You are never too old for braces. I have a significant number of adult patients in my practice. So you will be in good company!
  • Improving your appearance
  • Easier cleaning
  • Improved function/Dental health

Those things are all important, no matter what your age. So why wait? The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish! Then you can enjoy all of the great benefits orthodontic treatment has to offer.


“I don’t want to look like I have braces on!”

We use very small braces and most people quickly get used to having them. In fact, a lot of adults “emBRACE” their new smile. Maybe break out your old cheerleading outfit and you can pretend you are back in High School! Your husband may think that’s super cool. 😉

However, if metal braces are just not for you, consider the following options…

  • Clear Braces - Braces made from ceramic material are colored just like your teeth and are much less visible. They give a more sophisticated look and can help make you feel less “flashy”.
  • Clear Aligners – Clear plastic aligners can be another good option. They are removable and may be just the thing for you! Click here for more information.


  • Pain – Well, yes. Your teeth will be sore, for a bit. But it gets better! I promise.
  • Hassle – Getting food stuck in your braces…. OK. That is annoying.
  • Money – So true, braces are not free. But we can make them more affordable than a # 3 lunch special at McDonalds! And if your child has received treatment at our office, we will provide a family discount!

So there you go! No more excuses. Take care of yourself!

If you have further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, you can call Cook Orthodontics (928) 267-1697 OR email us at